Class10 |Science |Ch 1 & 2|Some important questions

1. What is a balanced chemical equation?Why is it important to balance a chemical equation?
2. Why does rain water conducts electricity but distilled water not?
3. How should we dilute an acid & why?
4. Define exothermic reaction. Why respiration is considered as exothermic reaction?
5. State what happens when electricity is passed through aqueous solution of sodium chloride? Write balanced chemical equation. What is this process called? Mention one uses of each product fomed.
6. A solution of substance X is used for white washing.
i. Name the substance 'X & write its formula ii. Write the reaction of 'X' with water
7. Write the balanced chemical equation when
  i. Hydrogen sulphide gas burns in air to    give water & sulphur dioxide.
  ii. Barium chloride reacts with alumunium sulphate to give alumunium chloride & a precipitate of barium sulphate.
 i. Name the substance which on treatment  with chlorine yields bleaching powder.
 ii. Write the reaction involved.
 iii. Write three uses of bleaching powder. 
